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Carey’s 2022 MS Fundraiser “ 15,000 Miles In One Year for Multiple Sclerosis Cure

image for Carey’s 2022 MS Fundraiser “ 15,000 Miles In One Year for Multiple Sclerosis Cure

In 2021, I rode 10,000 miles to raise money for MS Research for a cure.  With the generous help of my sponsors, I raised over $18,000 for the National MS Society.  

In 2022, I’ve planned a Do It Yourself Fundraising (DIY) event to help improve the lives of people affected by multiple sclerosis. I would love your support as I bring my fundraising vision to life.  I will be cycling even further than last year with an even more impossible goal to reach 15,000 miles in one year. If you are doing the math, this equates to 288 miles per week or 41 miles per day for 52 weeks.

You can follow my weekly progress on under my profile 

Until the medical community (BioNTec) perfects the cure for MS, I will not stop cycling every year.  As medical science pushes the boundaries in MS Research, I will continue to push my physical and mental boundaries for this worthwhile cause.  Please join me in my effort to eliminate MS. 

Please help by donating to this worthy cause HERE.

Nearly one million people live with multiple sclerosis in the US, including my wife Heather, friends, and clients I have represented over the years. 

Over the past 75 years, the National MS Society has been the driving force for progress and paved the way for nearly all the treatment options available today”but, they’re not finished yet. The Society is determined to be a lifelong partner and resource for every person affected by MS”those diagnosed with the disease and their loved ones”and to ultimately find a cure.

The money I raise through my DIY fundraiser will help fund MS research, programs and services so that people affected by MS can live their best lives.

Please help me create a world free of MS by donating HERE. Thank you!

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