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image for Carey Reaches 6000 Miles on His Solo MS Fundraiser

Today I passed the 6000 mile marker on my journey to complete 10,000 miles in one year. This is no small task by any measure. I run a multi-attorney law firm and operate a separate business on the side. However, finding the time to ride 2-3 hours a day has proven difficult to nearly impossible, given the many obstacles I face on a daily basis. But 10,000 miles is the goal and the mission will be accomplished on December 31, 2021.

I am cycling to raise money for a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. You can help contribute any dollar amount to this worthy cause by donating HERE. If you are NOT on Facebook, please use this donation link HERE. You can follow my daily rides on HERE. And thank you to everyone who has already donated to this worthy cause.

For those who suffer with MS, the struggle is real. Please watch this inspirational and gut-wrenching video about a woman’s story about being diagnosed in her forties and coming to terms with MS.

If you would like more information about MS and this fundraising effort, please contact Carey & Associates P.C.

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